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average sales中文是什么意思

用"average sales"造句"average sales"怎么读"average sales" in a sentence


  • 平均销售额


  • B2b companies - with high average sales and expensive sales cycles - that savor the opportunity to get in with buyers early in the process are the ones that stand to gain the most
  • The sweet buns averaged sales of about 120 boxes a day in early september , but orders shot up after sept . 12 when abe announced his intention to resign
  • Calculate the budgeted sales per category for next year as a ten percent increase over this year , and then allocate budget down to each product based on relative average sales over the last three years
    按照比今年销售额增长10 %条件计算下一年每个类别的预算销售额,然后根据过去3年的相对平均销售额将该预算销售额向下分配给每个产品。
  • Abstract : in this paper , the harmonious average is applied to the calculation of statistics norm in the economy of real estate . and the ways of calculation of average sale , average price and price exponent are given
  • Then it discusses the calculating way : the rule of identifying the stock certificate ; the average purchase price and average sale price ; the first - in , first - out rule ; the highest - out , lowest - in rule . the highest - out , lowest - in rule can better embody the litigation spirits , so suggests to adopt the calculating way
用"average sales"造句  


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